徳川方武将であった所有者(渡辺家)の先祖が1590年代頃に拝領した梅の木です。 その後、所有者の一族は常陸太田市から愛子のこの地に移住し、その時に持ってきて植えたものと伝えられています。 水戸藩2代目藩主徳川光圀の隠居所西山荘にちなみこの名がつけられたそうです。 臥龍梅は朝鮮梅とも呼ばれ、朝鮮出兵の際に日本に持ち込まれました。 伊達家も当時何本か持ち帰ったため瑞巌寺や若林城跡(現宮城刑務所)にその姿を見ることができます。 「せいざんの臥龍梅は枝ぶりがまさに地を這う龍が如くで、日本一の梅である。」(渡辺氏談)
It is a plum tree worshiped by the ancestor of the owner (Watanabe family) who was a warlord of Tokugawa in the 1590s. The owner's clan later reportedly migrated from Hitachi-Ota City to Aiko, where they were brought and planted. It is said that this name was given to Nishiyamaso, a retreat of Mitsukuni Tokugawa, the second lord of the Mito Domain. Wolong plum, also known as Korean plum, was brought to Japan when dispatched to Korea. The Date family brought back some of them at that time, so you can see them at Zuiganji Temple and Wakabayashi Castle Ruin (now Miyagi Prison). "Seizan's Woryu Plum is the best plum in Japan, like a dragon whose branches are just crawling on the ground."