

ここは肝入検断の早坂家の屋敷跡です。ここは肝入検断の早坂家の屋敷跡です。 肝入(きもいり)とは、名主、庄屋などの村役人の別称であり仙台藩では宿場の肝入は、 検断と役目を兼ねる場合が多く、大きな屋敷と納屋そして数頭の馬が常時待機していたらしく、 愛子と作並を結ぶ宿場の街道の拠点であったと思われます。


This is the site of the Hayasaka family's residence at the liver admission. This is the site of the Hayasaka family's residence at the liver admission. Kimiiri is another name for village officials such as the master and Shoya.In the Sendai feudal clan, there is often a post office that also serves as an inspection, with a large mansion, barn and several horses. It seems to have been waiting at all times, and it was probably the base of the highway of the post town connecting Aiko and Sakunami.

