

安永三年に書かれた「安永風土記」に 「当村之儀、熊野社有之候に付、熊ヶ根と名付候由申伝候」 とあり、熊野神社が熊ヶ根の地名の由来という説もあります。 一見ただの路地のように見えるこの道は、熊野神社への参道でもある。 このあたりは、江戸時代の頃は3町50間と伝わっている「熊ヶ根宿」の中心であったと思われ、 昔から村人たちが集まり周辺で市を開いていたことから、 村人たちに「市神」と呼ばれ親しまれていたと伝えられています。


In the book "Anneifudoki" written in the 3rd year of Yasunaga, there is "Tomura Noriyuki, attached to Kumano Shrine, Kumagane and the name of Yunari," and the theory that Kumano Shrine is the origin of Kumagane's place name. There is. This road, which looks like an alley at first glance, is also the approach to Kumano Shrine. This area was thought to have been the center of Kumagane-juku, which was known as 50 towns in three towns during the Edo period. Since villagers had been gathering and opening a city around the area for a long time, It is reportedly called "God".

