この城は中世の頃国分(こくぶ)氏の家臣六丁目氏によって築かれたと伝わっています。 熊ヶ根城は「仙台領古城書出」によれば、平山城で城郭の広さは東西30間、南北50間と記載されており、現在も西側には土塁(どるい)跡があり、北側にも土塁の遺構が確認されます。
It is said that this castle was built in the Middle Ages by Kokubu's 6-chome vassal. According to the "Sendai Ryojo Shojo", Kumagane Castle is said to be Hirayama Castle, with the size of the castle between 30 east and west and 50 north to south. The base remains are confirmed.