

寛正年中(1460~1465)佐久太郎重義によって建立されたと伝えられています。 青木明神は戸内地区の東、最上古街道沿いにあり、地域の守り神として崇められました。 神社の境内には馬頭観音を始め様々な石碑群が置かれ、一歩敷地に踏み入ると、 交通量の多い愛子バイパスの側道に位置するとは思えないほど静かな空間に包まれます。


It is said that it was erected by Shigeyoshi Sakutaro throughout the year of Kansei (1460-1465). Aoki Myojin is located along the Mogami-oldKaido, east of the Touchi area, and was worshiped as a local guardian deity. On the grounds of the shrine are various stone monuments, including the Uto Kannon, and once you step into the site, you will be surrounded by a quiet space that is unlikely to be located on the side road of the Aiko bypass with heavy traffic.

